miercuri, 24 aprilie 2013


Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey, constituting the country's economic , cultural and historical heart. Has a population of13.9 million, forming one of the largest urban agglomerations in Europe and is among the largest cities in the world by population within city limits.

Un comentariu:

  1. Draga Elena!

    Mi-a facut placere sa ma plimb intre pozele Tale - prin lumea prezentat prin ochii Tai.
    De Istanbul chiar mi-e dor - iti multumesc si pentru amintiri :)

    Amuzant, cat de "evident" esti peste tot... Ma gandesc la imbracaminte... si de a gasi locul Tau.
    Blogul Tau ma bucura - multi inainte! : )

    Anna Tímea
