miercuri, 7 septembrie 2011

It was a great day of april, I went on a trip to mountains, on the way I saw some smoke coming from a valley. I stepped out of the car and as I got closer to the edge of the road, I saw in the valley a great gypsy camp. I had my camera with me and I decided to get down in the valley. I got closer to the camp, suddenly all the children came to me, I had a fantastic day with them, I stayed in their tents,they gave me food and drink. I have eat with them cabbages made in pot, and polenta, I became friends with them immediatly. Even today we still speak. They have some kind of magic, in the night they sitting by the fire watching stars, nowhere you can feel so free. They were from Tecuci, Romania, and they travel in mountains from March till the end of October, depends on the weather and in the winter they stay in their houses gathering iron for next year. I miss them!


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